Dental amalgam – environmental aspects

Major amalgam particles from trituration surplus of those produced during the carving and burnishing of new amalgam restorations are generally collected in coarse filters and sold for refinement. Minor amalgam particles released by production of new fillings or by removal of old restorations partly sediment in tubes and drains. The remaining particles are carried with the waste water stream to the local purifying plant.

2018-03-11T22:31:53+00:00September 1st, 1992|Categories: The Science|Tags: , , |

Mercury from dental amalgams: exposure and effects

There is no doubt that dental mercury should be taken into consideration as a possible etiological factor when considering neurological, immunological and endocrinological diseases of unknown etiology. Protective measures during amalgam removal and prospects for alternative dental materials are discussed.

2022-12-19T00:32:22+00:00January 1st, 1992|Categories: The Science|Tags: , |