Occupational Safety and Dental Mercury2018-01-12T18:42:06+00:00

Safe removal of amalgam fillings in dental clinic: use of synergic nasal filters (active carbon) and phytonaturals

Thus, dentist and patient should have been encouraged to avoid risk factors associated with unnecessary exposure to mercury during/after removal amalgam fillings. Mercury exposure from amalgam fillings is dramatically increased by chewing, eating, brushing, and drinking hot liquids. To avoid this, the use of safe protocols for dental filling removal together with (the synergic) use of nasal filters (active carbon) and nutritional supplements (i.e.: Curcuma longa, Clorella, Desmodium….) would enhance endogenous detoxification capacities against heavy metals in patients before / during / after removal of dental amalgam.

March 1st, 2015|

Longitudinal analysis of the association between removal of dental amalgam, urine mercury and 14 self-reported health symptoms

At baseline, individuals with dental amalgam fillings have double the measured urine mercury compared to a control group of persons who have never had amalgam fillings. Removal of amalgam fillings decreases measured urine mercury to levels in persons without amalgam fillings. Although urine mercury levels in our sample are considered by Health Canada to be too low to pose health risks, removal of amalgam fillings reduced the likelihood of self-reported symptom deterioration and increased the likelihood of symptom improvement in comparison to people who retained their amalgam fillings.

December 1st, 2014|


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